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disentanGling how dInosAuriaN megaherbivores ruled their ecosysTemS

is an international project funded by the British Ecological Society through its

Small Research Grant programme.


The main idea of the GIANTS project is to identify the ways in which different dinosaurian megaherbivores were integrated to form stable, operational communities and potentially influenced the functioning of their ecosystems.

The GIANTS Project is placed in the Universities of León (Spain), Oulu (Finland), and Edinburgh (UK).

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'Ecologists often see their systems as independent of history (…) and palaeontologists tend to see their clades as independent of ecological context'

(in Behrensmeyer et al., 1992; Terrestrial ecosystems through time).


This strong statement summarises the reason for the GIANTS project, an ambitious attempt to illuminate the organisation and functioning of Mesozoic communities and ecosystems, with implications for ecological and palaeontological sciences alike.

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